Re: Basic ideology and the need for cooperation between left and right to bring politics under control.
<Wednesday> Generally, the left wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform, and internationalism," while the right wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism."
<Wednesday> what among these values is NOT good?
<Wednesday> does healthy internationalism conflict with healthy nationalism?
<Wednesday> i like the notions of "order" and "tradition", but how insane would you have to be to not want to reform the current order/traditions if they're not working?
<Wednesday> who disagrees with this: left and right must learn to respect all these qualities and negotiate reasonably about them.
<Jupiter8> i would say that definition has been polarized a bit more nowdays ... like left = tree hugging, hippy, fake media clowns and right = greedy, selfish angry bastards
<Wednesday> i think you're right, Jupiter8 - and i think that's a problem because those ideas aren't healthy. they're making the world sick.
<Jupiter8> how about politicians give up party politics and actually represent the people?
<Wednesday> wouldn't that be something new!
<Jupiter8> ... there's a novel approach
<Wednesday> yes
<Jupiter8> yeah :)
* Wednesday shakes head. too bad the very idea is such a joke.
<Wednesday> left and right should be out there storming the capital together, cuz neither side is being respected by the politicians
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